Reflections Of Our Everyday Family Life

Using Our Feeling Bodies To Guide Our Mothering

Mothering is one of the most rewarding and beautiful things in the world. That is, when we are feeling like we have it down. For me, I am not always feeling like I have the powerful Mama mojo I want to have everyday. 

There are moments when I am happy with how I have responded to a bump, moments where I knew that I got “it” right, and moments where I feel like I am investing so much into the tiny moments that I go to bed with a full and easy heart. 

Then, there are those nights I lay awake and think of all the things I missed, the things I could have done better, the ways I was distracted, and all the times I answered one of my children in a harsh or sharp way. Those nights, I’m not so content and while I may fall asleep from exhaustion, my heart is left longing for something more from within myself. 

I have learned that accepting my shortcomings in moments, my tiredness, my human-ness, and my less then ideal moments is crucial for my own heart to heal and to step confidently into where I am comfortable Mothering from. 

I have learned that even when I am not feeling 100% on, that I am always giving 100% of what I have. The messes I make are smaller, the rebound is quicker and the connection with myself and my children continues to grow and thrive.

I would love to hear about how you are soft with yourself and are able to keep encouraging yourself even when you feel like you want to do better. 

Remember to encourage yourselves sweet Mamas! There will be numerous times you show up to encourage those sweet kids of yours, do the same for YOU!

xxoo Marlana