Reflections Of Our Everyday Family Life

Using Our Feeling Bodies To Guide Our Mothering…

Gosh, I love my kids. They are growing up fast and it pains me and brings me such joy all at the same time. When I was younger, I never saw myself as a mother, but once I knew I was pregnant with our first born son, I felt like being a mother was what I was really here to be. It was what my whole life had leaded up to and it was my purpose. 

I tend to feel troubled as I look back at pictures of their younger days and wish I knew everything then, that I know now. Being a mother of four, I feel like I’ve gotten better at knowing how to support, hold the space, and nurture and direct them sooner. It’s taken practice and I wish that each child could experience the absolute best of me for every moment of their life. 

And then I remember that during those times I might be less proud of, during those times of first, second and even third and fourth time mothering, I was always doing my best. 

My best may have been different each moment of each day, but whatever I had, I was giving all of it to all of them, striving to learn and grow from my missteps at every turn. 

While I continue to grow and learn the best ways to love, nourish and support them, while I continue to improve myself for them, one thing is certain. That my intention has always been there. The intention to be the best for them, the best with them and to further and deepen our connection always, even when things are hard. 

Be soft with yourselves mamas. Love yourselves like you love those humans you mother. It’s good for you and it’s good for them.



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